
4th edition of the Inclusive Art Festival
Name of the dance group
The organization that the dance group represents
Country, city
Full name of the head of the dance group
Brief information about the team (for announcements and press releases)
Photo of a dance group
Total number of participants of the dance group
Number of people with disabilities in a dance group
Number of volunteers in a dance group
Number of accompanying persons in the dance group
Attach a list of all members of the team (Full Name, year of birth), for participants with disabilities, specify the disability group with the indication of health restrictions-moves in a wheelchair, support device disorders, visually impaired, totally blind, hard of hearing, deaf, mental disorders, mental illness, General illness) in doc format
The category for which the number is claimed
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Name of the dance performance
Full name of the author (if available)
Link to a video on the Internet (YouTube)
Information about the necessary technical support for performing at the festival (technical rider, phonogram or necessary equipment)
Full name of the responsible person (for operational communication with participants)
Phone number of the responsible person (for quick communication with participants)
Email of the responsible person (for quick communication with participants)
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